This fine specimen? That’s my Father, Mario.
That killer physique? That’s from hard work…
“farm - ripped” as we like to say.
Mario worked hard - loved hard - and lived a life
overflowing with family and friends.
And each Christmas, using a secret Sicilian family recipe
and a lot of love, he would make up a small batch
of his famous Hard Espresso as a special gift.
If you were lucky enough to get one,
you cherished that bottle as long as you could knowing
it would be a whole year until you got a shot at another.
Everyone loved it and looked forward to it.
every bottle we make contains Mario’s secret recipe…
handcrafted with the same love and care he put into every one of his.
And just like my Dad’s original, it’s delicious…
crazy delicious if I do say so myself.
So from Mario’s family to yours, we invite you to
live hard - love hard – and cherish every moment with family and friends.
And having a bottle of Mario’s Hard Espresso on hand…
helps make it all a little sweeter.
Pensa Salute’!